Sunday, June 23, 2013

a day in the life

If previous days were to be an indicator of whether I would run or not, I would put money down that I was not going to run. I, however, did run.

Many excuses come to mind when I think of that run: altitude difference, my knee isn't healed, my other knee is starting to hurt, I'm speed training,I'm thirsty, and the ever-faithful it's-been-a-while.

Well, it had been a while. I told myself I should run 5 miles. This was coming from the same girl who chose to lay on the hammock to 'see the beautiful view', but really was just trying to find another way to fall asleep again. Now my mind was deciding to run 5 miles, which I have not done since the 10k.

Well, I put my knee brace on and my favorite and only running outfit I had with me, downed a glass of water, and took off. Of course I had some cramps from the water, but I knew I was asking for it and just ran through it.

About a mile in I started slowing. I had heard RunKeeper at th 5min mark proudly state something around the 8.5min per mi estimate, but at the 10 minute mark I had just barely hit 1mi. "These blasted hills!" I thought.

Hah. Anyway, I ran on. I decided I must have water, and ran the 2 miles to a nearby park. I stopped RunKeeper and ran into the park, gulped much water down and started back. I had a great idea! Why don't I train a little, since I'm struggling to maintain a good pace anyway. So, I tried a fast walk for 30 seconds, a sprint (more like average run) for 60seconds, sometimes 90 seconds. I couldn't remember which to do, but I'm pretty sure my counting was off a little anyway. So out of shape.

All I know is that when I got back I downed another glass of water and jumped in the lake. My skin was so red hot it looked like I had serious sun burn, but that water felt so perfect!

Suzanne really wanted to go to this local dam that's pretty awesome. It's a half-circle the spews water over the edges like a steady waterfall, so that you can just edge yourself under it for a really cool effect. It's heart-pounding for some reason, but we love it.

So, we went to the dam. The water felt a lot colder, however I have promised myself not to deprive myself of the pleasure of jumping into water for any of these three following reasons:

1) "It'll mess up my hair"
2) "It'll mess up my makeup"
3) "It's too cold"

We ducked under and got soaked! It was a rush (still, not sure why! but that much water rushing over me makes my heart race), and we laughed and screamed and ducked in and out. When we were done we went to the general store nearby and sat in the back of the car with the door up eating ice cream and soaking up the sun.

By the time we got home, we actually were quite frozen. My lips were turning blue... or was that chocolate? I don't know. All I know is I ran bath water so hot it scared me. And then delighted me. I felt my entire bones beginning to thaw.

Ok, now I get it. Today I have been so achy. I had no idea why, but now I remember all the drastic temperature changes my body went through, and I bet I got a little sick. Thankfully, I just thought it was soreness from the run so I didn't let it hinder my brownie indulgence today (which was amazing - strawberries and raspberries). I mean, I know I'm sore from the run, but in my arms? Anyway, yay - I know why I'm achy!

I wish my body were stronger, but I guess that only happens with time. Time and a good, healthy diet of proper food and exercise.

Oh, and tomorrow I think I'll try something easier like a 2mi run. Maybe I can average 9.5. Hah!

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